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Jeff Caulfield

The Art of Meditation: Getting Out of Your Own Way

Meditation is a powerful practice that has been embraced for centuries, but it's often met with resistance from individuals who struggle to silence their racing thoughts. Many of us have experienced the paradoxical nature of the mind – the more we try not to think about something, the more it dominates our thoughts. The key to successful meditation lies in understanding this phenomenon and shifting our focus. In this blog, we'll explore the art of meditation and how to get out of your own way to unlock its many benefits.

The Pink Elephant Paradox:

Picture a pink elephant. What happens? You can't help but visualize it. Our brains are wired to add and multiply, not subtract, which makes the effort to stop thinking about something counterproductive. This is precisely the challenge many encounter when they attempt to meditate. The urge to quiet the mind often results in more mental noise. So, how can we overcome this obstacle?

Shifting Focus:

The secret to successful meditation lies in shifting our focus from thinking to feeling or sensing. Instead of battling intrusive thoughts, we divert our attention to a specific area of our body. This shift not only reduces mental clutter but also opens up a whole new realm of self-awareness. Here are some ways to implement this technique:

a. Breath Meditation: Focus on the sensations in your nostrils as you breathe. Feel the air entering and leaving and notice its temperature. This is an excellent way to calm your mind.

b. Heart Opening Meditation: Direct your attention to your heart centre. Visualize it opening and explore the emotions and sensations that arise as you connect with your heart.

c. Higher Self Meditation: Place your focus on your forehead, the seat of intuition. This can help you establish a connection with your higher self and gain insight beyond the conscious mind.

The Curious Explorer Mindset:

When you shift your focus, do so with the mindset of a curious explorer. Allow your mind to wander through the sensations, colours, temperatures, and emotions that surface. There's no judgment in this process – just a willingness to explore without preconceived notions. This approach not only calms the mind but also deepens your connection with yourself.

Creating Space and Awareness:

Regular meditation practice helps you create a gap between your true self and your psychological processes. This space allows you to observe your thoughts, reactions, and behaviour patterns with greater clarity. As you become more aware of what isn't working for you, you gain the power to make conscious choices in your actions.

From Reacting to Choosing:

One of the most transformative aspects of meditation is the shift from reacting to choosing. As you become more consciously aware of your thoughts and behaviours, you no longer operate on autopilot, relying on old behaviour patterns. Instead, you actively choose your actions, creating the reality you want in the moment and deliberately shaping the future you desire.


Meditation is a profound practice that empowers us to transcend the limitations of our own minds. Instead of struggling to silence the never-ending chatter of our thoughts, we can shift our focus and become curious explorers of our inner world. With each meditation session, we create space for self-awareness, allowing us to make mindful choices in our actions. By embracing this art of meditation and getting out of our own way, we can craft a more intentional and fulfilling life. So, the next time you encounter that pink elephant in your mind, remember, you have the power to guide your thoughts and choose your path.


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